Entries by 1851 Center for Constitutional Law

Healthcare Freedom Amendment Discussion

Maurice Thompson discussed Issue 3 (The Ohio Healthcare Freedom Amendment) with Empower U, which is an initiative of several Tea Party groups, built to help educate people about limited government and fiscal responsibility.

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Ohioans Submit Brief to U.S. Supreme Court Challenging Constitutionality of Individual Mandate

The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law has submitted to the United States Supreme Court a “friend of the court” brief asserting that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate is unconstitutional.  The brief highlights for the High Court Ohioans’ placement of the Ohio Health Care Freedom Amendment (“Issue 3”) in Ohio’s Bill of […]

Center Provides A Guide to Reducing Your School District Tax Burden

Ohio school districts continue to surrender to political pressure at the collective bargaining table, failing to curtail school employees’ lucrative compensation packages. And while this undisciplined spending could manifest itself in the form of reasonable lay-offs or pay-cuts, history demonstrates it to be more likely that Ohioans across the state will soon confront a flurry […]

Workplace Freedom Amendment

Press conference for the unveiling of the Ohio Workplace Freedom Amendment, an effort to place a constitutional amendment before voters to make Ohio a Right to Work state.

Issue 2 Debate

Here, management-side labor attorney Gary Greenberg and union counsel Stephen Lazarus debate the legal impact of Senate Bill 5 at a forum hosted by the Columbus Chapter of the Federalist Society and the 1851 Center.

Freedomwatch Appearance

Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com Maurice Thompson and Judge Andrew Napolitano discuss how the government strays from the Constitution during a special taping of Fox News’ Freedom Watch Live at OSU.