Entries by 1851 Center for Constitutional Law

AP: ACORN gives up Ohio business license, won’t return

By JULIE CARR SMYTH (AP) Thursday, March 11, 2010 COLUMBUS, Ohio — The community organizing group ACORN has agreed to give up its Ohio business license and not return under another name, as it has in other states, under a settlement struck with a libertarian center that sued it. U.S. District Judge Herman Weber, in […]

Miller v. ACORN

In October 2008, the 1851 Center sued ACORN regarding its activities in Ohio. The action alleged ACORN engaged in a pattern of corrupt activity that amounted to organized crime due to its perpetual submission of fraudulent voter registrations in Ohio. The Center sought the dissolution of ACORN as a legal entity, the revocation of any licenses in […]

Protecting Health Freedom

The 1851 Center for Constitutional Law drafted petition language aimed a fighting pending national health care regulations. Read the amendment news release and watch the news conference here. Download the petition here.  Visit the Ohio Liberty Council for more information on this effort here. The proposed federal health care bills are problematic from a utilitarian, […]

Moto Verde and the Village of Fairfax

In July 2009, the 1851 Center advised the Village of Fairfax, an enclave in the city of Cincinnati, that it had violated the constitutional rights of Moto Verde. Moto Verde is a motor scooter shop, but the village had classified it as an automobile dealership, refused it the right to operate, and denied it a […]

A challenge to Ohio’s Mortgage Modification Bill

In March 2009, the 1851 Center submitted written and oral testimony to the Ohio General Assembly on House Bill 3, a bill that would allow Ohio’s trial judges to rewrite the terms of mortgage contracts.  The Center’s testimony made it clear that HB 3 was an unconstitutional abridgment of written contracts, and that, if passed […]

Manna Storehouse v. Ohio Department of Agriculture

On the morning of December 1, 2008, law enforcement officers forcefully entered the Stowers’ residence, without first announcing they were police or stating the purpose of the visit. With guns drawn, officers swiftly and immediately moved to the upstairs of the home, finding eight children in the middle of a home-schooling lesson. Officers then moved […]

Victory: Ohio Estate Tax Repealed

The legislature has passed a state budget that includes the repeal of Ohio’s Estate Tax.  Special thanks to the team at http://www.endohioestatetax.com/ for their leadership in accomplishing a feat that no liberty group before them had accomplished:  the elimination of a statewide tax.  In drafting the initiative and representing the effort, the 1851 Center was simply […]

Case Suggestions

If you have a case suggestion or if you believe your constitutional rights have been violated by the government please contact mthompson@buckeyeinstitute.org.